Srishti Club activities 2019-20
Srishti Club activities 2018-19
Srishti Club activities 2015-16
Co.ordinator | : | Dr. P.K.Jayalakshmi |
President | : | Renu Yadav, II B.A., EEP |
Vice-President | : | Harini, II B.Sc MEC |
Secretary | : | Anjali Singh, I B.Com |
Joint Secretary | : | Neetu Singh, I B.Sc CBZ |
Srishti is a literary club which is headed by Dr. P.K.Jayalakshmi and Dr. J.Nirmala.. It is a platform for the enthusiastic students who want to improve their communication skills and get rid of their stage fear. Under Srishti , a number of literary and cultural events were conducted during 2015-16 and students participated actively to prove their talents.
- JULY----- Elocution in 3 languages. Topic- Effects of Globalisation. 10 students participated
- August- Solo singing competition in languages. Topic- Patriotism
- September- Creative Writting-Topic- Impact of Social media on youth.
- November—Sharing of experiences..Topic- Hudhud Cyclone
- December- Story telling competition in 3 languages
- January- My favourite Poem
- February-Debate on Love marriage Versus Arranged marriage
- Guest Lecture was organised by Srushti club on 22-1-2015 Dr. Lakshmi.K , HOD Hindi, Govt Degree College, Yellamanchili Topic-Women protection followed by Group Discussion.

Elocution Competition, 23rd July 2016

Elocution Competition Winners
Winners - Hindi
I - Shashikkala Bhatt, II B. Sc. MPC
I - Nikki Tiwari, I B.Sc. MPC
II- K. Divya, I B.Com
III- Anjali Singh, I B.Com
Winners - English
I - Simarpreet Kaur, I B. Sc. BBC
II-P. Anvitha , I B.A EEP
III- Harini, I B.Sc MEC
Friendship Day, 9th August 2016

Essay Writing Competetion -13th August 2016

Essay Writing Competetion Winners
I - Anjuman Tripathi, II BBA
II - J. Shirisha, III B.Sc. BBC
III - Arpita Das, III B.A EEP
Dramatic Monologue, 27th August 2016

Dramatic Monologue Winners
Special Appreciation
Anjali Singh, I B.Com
Shashikala Bhatt, II B.Sc. MPC
Nikki Tiwari, I B.Sc. MPC
Subhasmita Nayak, I B.Sc. CBZ
Ayushi Bandyopadhyay, I B.Sc. CBZ
Simarpreet Kaur, I B.Sc. BBC
Poonam Kamwal, II B.A EPJ