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The Department of Computer Science was started in 1990. Our modern world would be inconceivable without Computer science. From Engineering to Business Management, Medicine to Biology, and language processing through to Psychology, Sociology and Archaeology – all the sciences today need Computer science for the evaluation of their data. At the same time the science of processing information by means of computer programs provides the basis for the internet and mobile telephony, for airlines and financial transactions, for DVD players, televisions and cars that work – in short: for a functioning world. This creates a strong practical relevance, which is exactly what makes the subject so exciting and is opening up ever more employment opportunities for computer scientists. Computer Science, therefore, is a foward-looking discipline that offers excellent prospects for graduates.

Computer Science is equally suited to both men and women - and women are urgently needed be become involved in the development of technologies and applications. Anyone that has practiced, and enjoyed, abstract thinking - for instance in Mathematics or Physics lessons - will certainly enjoy Computer Science too. After all, Computer Science is not about mere programming, but always about the practical implementation of solutions that have been developed with the help of computers.


Empowering young women recognized to be technologically proficient, innovative, self-motivated and responsible citizen possessing human values by their work in software development in a myriad of application areas, and through their work in advanced study and research.


To develop a strong theoretical and practical background across the computer science discipline with an emphasis on problem solving.
To inculcate professional behaviour with strong ethical values, leadership qualities, innovative thinking and analytical abilities.